Canadian Abandonment Cut and Cap Process

Arrive on location, ensure all personnel on location are aware of job parameters
Ensure that all personal protective equipment is available and worn as required
Hold a pre-job procedure and safety meeting
Spot equipment, remove the top section of the wellhead if necessary, to gain access to the wellbore
Lower the Can-AB Pipe Cutter ID cutting system into the well to the desired depth of cut
Begin the Ultra High Pressure Water Jet Intensifier Pump System
Add abrasive to the cutting head and begin cut
Rotate the cutting head at approximately 1”/min
Depending on number of casing strings and sizes and the amount of offset and cement
Remove the cutting head and lift the stump out with a backhoe
If Issues are encountered due to frost or excessive amounts of cement are encountered outside the casing, it may require the hydro vac to loosen or excavation to loosen cement
Install the friction fit well cap
Backfill the hole. Job Complete.

Canadian Abandonment Services can also safely and efficiently cut pipelines and facility equipment.

Contact us to learn more.


